• How to use the app Ratings page

    The Ratings page counts every rating your app has received, whether they contain text or not and are provided by the app stores as a daily cumulative snapshot. All of the other tools in Appbot only analyze Reviews that contain a text component. >>> Learn more about the difference between…

  • Why has my rating count dropped or spiked?

    If you can see in Appbot that your rating count is dropping, there are a few common causes that we recommend investigating. Check the rating count in the relevant app store Go to the app store and check that the number matches what you see at the top of the…

  • What’s the difference between Ratings and Reviews?

    “What’s the difference between Ratings and Reviews?” is our most frequently asked question, by far! Ratings are a star score from 1-5 stars that may or may not also contain a review. A Review has a star rating as well as a text comment. This leads to our 2nd most…

  • What is the difference between public and private Ratings?

    Google Play rating calculations are different for public vs private ratings, as per the image below. Public Ratings shows the Ratings which match what you see on the public page for that app in the app store – the same rating users who are browsing the app store will see….

  • App Marketing: Reviews Are Your Secret Sauce

    App reviews and ratings are extremely important to the success of your app marketing efforts. Successful app developers understand this and use it to their advantage. Here are 3 reasons you should really care about app reviews. 1. Users are judgemental about your star rating At ASOBarcamp 2 Thomas Petit…

  • Video Demo: App review analysis, alerts & replies

    Watch the video below for a guided tour of Appbot. The demo runs through all of our app review analysis, alerts & reply tools and shows you how to use them to effectively to manage and analyze your app reviews. The article below the video offers a written overview of…

  • Widget Guide for Appbot Dashboards

    Appbot Dashboards allow you to build your own reports by choosing widgets that offer the metrics you’re interested in measuring. This guide provides a brief description of each widget available. The results for each widget will reflect the time period you have selected for the Dashboard, as well as any…

  • How to use the Reply Effect export

    The purpose of the Reply Effect export is to help discover and quantify any effect that replies have on customer feedback. When teams invest in replying to users on the app stores it can be helpful to show the impact that replies have on your star rating (hint: it’s usually…

  • How is the Ratings over Time average stars calculated?

    The app stores do not provide individual ratings, we take a snapshot of the star ratings count each day. The reviewer or the app store can remove ratings at any time which can cause some fluctuations in the ratings numbers. The Ratings over Time average is calculated for the selected…

  • Can I get all of the app ratings history?

    Ratings are only available from the app stores as a daily cumulative snapshot. We only start fetching ratings when they are being followed by an active Appbot account. This means that we are unable to fetch the full ratings history. If the app has previously been followed in Appbot we…