What’s the difference between Ratings and Reviews? “What’s the difference between Ratings and Reviews?” is our most frequently asked question, by far! Ratings are a star score...
Why doesn’t Appbot’s review count match the app store? Appbot only shows ratings data that matches the public app store ratings on the Ratings page. All other pages in...
Why doesn’t Appbot’s star rating match the store? Appbot only shows star rating data that matches the public app store ratings on the Ratings page. All other pages...
Why is the number of ratings in the Apple or Google Play app store different to Appbot? Most pages in Appbot only look at reviews with text, not overall ratings like in the app stores, so you’ll...
Why do I have a longer history of reviews in some languages on Google Play? Google provide us with a fixed count of reviews per language. This means that languages with a high volume of...
Does Appbot fetch my entire app review history? We fetch as much history as each app store will allow when a new app is added to Appbot. In...
How do I see the ratings breakdown for Google Play? As of May 2019 Google removed the public ratings breakdowns for Google Play apps. This means only the star ratings...
What is a Source? A source is a single app from a single store. All countries are included for each source. For example, if...
Does Appbot fetch reviews for all countries? Yes. Appbot will automatically fetch reviews for all the countries your app or product is available in. All countries are...
Can I group the apps & sources in my account? Appbot doesn’t have a tool built into our user interface for this at present, but we do have a useful...
What is the difference between Google Public and Private Ratings? Google Play app ratings have two different ratings datasets – Public vs Private ratings. Both are fetched directly from Google...
Google Play Ratings Changes August 2019 In May 2019 Google announced the way ratings were calculated on the Google Play Store was going to change. Milena...
Can you provide the users email for a review? For privacy reasons, the app stores don’t share the email addresses with us, or anyone else. The best way to...
Tags, Topics & Custom Topics Appbot offers several different ways, both manual and automatic, to help you group and classify your reviews using tags, topics...
How do I see countries for Google Play reviews? Unfortunately, Google doesn’t provide a country for reviews in their APIs, they provide a language instead. Language is how Google...
Where can I see how many translations we have left? To see how many translations you have used on the account just head to the Appbot plan page and under...
What formats can I download the reports in? Our Large and Premium plan accounts can export reports as a CSV or XSLX file. Need a sample file? Check...
Why is the source number the same after unfollowing an app? There are two numbers in Appbot for sources, 1 – number of sources you are tracking and 2 – the...
Why are my Google ratings and reviews being delayed? On the 9 September 2022 Google announced that they will be delaying the release of public app ratings and reviews...
Why can’t I add a new source to Appbot after I stopped tracking an app? The number of sources you can track will depend on the team plan and the limit is for the entire...
Why are reviews in my developer console not showing in Appbot? While Appbot does fetch continuously, sometimes it can take up to a couple of days for Apple and Google reviews...
Why does my new source review count not match the app store? Appbot only fetches reviews for sources that are actively being followed by a trial or paid account. If you have...
Does Appbot offer competitor analysis? Yes, you can certainly use Appbot to do several types of competitor analysis. Start by adding the competitor apps you...
How does Appbot compare to other app review and ratings tools? Appbot’s key strengths are in sentiment analysis and natural language processing of your app reviews. Our goal is to make...
Can Appbot track reviews and ratings for multiple apps? Yes! This is one of the core features of Appbot. Check out pricing page for details on how many apps...
How is the Ratings over Time average stars calculated? The app stores do not provide individual ratings, we take a snapshot of the star ratings count each day. The...
Do you fetch reviews in real-time? It is complicated! We fetch reviews within minutes of them becoming available. Unfortunately, “when they become available” is the complicated...
Is Appbot adding AI? Since 2015, we have been using our own custom built proprietary AI to power our app review analysis tools. We...
Can I change the review sentiment? If you have connected the Google Play Developer Console or Apple App Store Connect for the app to Appbot, you...
Why isn’t the custom topics widget showing any results in the dashboard? Dashboards and Custom Topics are linked to profile of the team member who created them. If you have copied a...
Can I get all of the app ratings history? Ratings are only available from the app stores as a daily cumulative snapshot. We only start fetching ratings when they...
Why is a deleted app review still showing in my Appbot account? App reviews can be deleted by the reviewer or the app stores at any time. Due to the way the...
How is the Ratings over Time monthly and weekly calculated? On the Ratings page you can view the Ratings over Time Weekly or Monthly charts. The app stores do not...
Why are App Ratings and Reviews Moderated? The app stores moderate all app ratings and reviews to ensure a safe, trustworthy and positive user experience for everyone....