How To Manually Add Apps On Appbot If you are having trouble finding your apps by searching, you can manually add apps using their Google Play, Apple...
App stats in Appbot review emails: a quick guide We’re busy people like you, and we built Appbot primarily to save you time managing your app stats and reviews....
Export App Reviews Data to CSV Downloading Reports From the Export CSVs tab, you can download a range of pre-configured reports for multiple apps at once, and...
Weekly Summary emails for app reviews Weekly Summary emails are a pre-configured email report that Appbot will send you each week, if you have this email...
OneLogin SSO Configuration OneLogin is a SAML 2.0 compatible Single Sign-On (SSO) tool that can be integrated with Appbot. Before you configure your...
Okta SSO Configuration Okta is an SAML 2.0 compatible SSO solution, which can be integrated with your Appbot Premium account or added to...
GSuite SSO Configuration You can connect GSuite SSO with Appbot so that team members can use their Google credentials to access Appbot. Before...
App Store Authentication FAQ Do I need to authenticate with the app store to use Appbot for app reviews? No. You can monitor and...
Downloading Appbot Invoices Download your invoices from Appbot in 5 quick steps: While logged into the Appbot system, click on the ‘Settings icon’...
Markdown Guide for Free Text Widgets Create delicious formatting for your free text widgets in Appbot with simple Markdown syntax. Headings To create a heading, add one to...
Using Scheduled Reporting Appbot’s scheduled reporting lets you configure custom dashboards to be delivered straight to your inbox as a beautifully formatted PDF...
Manually sending App Reviews To Salesforce, Jira & more. With Appbot, you can take control of your app review management with tools that categories and sort your reviews so...
How do I delete my Appbot account? You can delete your account and data in Appbot by following these steps: Navigate to your account which is found...
How To Track Xbox Reviews Appbot helps you to understand your Xbox reviews data, sentiment and manage Xbox reviews from all countries with ease. To...
How to use the Manage Sources tab for app store review tracking The Manage Sources page is the control center for app store review tracking in Appbot. At the top of the...
Filtering Reviews to send to Integrations When adding new integrations, you have the option to choose which reviews Appbot sends through. For example, you can choose...
Using Zapier for Custom App Review Alerts via Email How to create custom email app review alerts using Appbot’s Zapier Integration Appbot offers several different native email alert options...
Send App Reviews to Google Sheets via Zapier You can use the Appbot Zapier integration to send your app reviews to Google Sheets and thousands of other services,...
Search App Store Reviews With Appbot You may wish to search your app store reviews for a number of reasons, including: Looking for a review by...
How to use Languages Appbot allows you to easily see which languages are most commonly used in your app reviews. This can be done...
Sending iOS & Google Play Reviews to Microsoft Teams Getting a clear picture of user sentiment and understanding your app reviews is easy with Appbot. Send selected app reviews...
Sending Google Play & iOS Reviews to Trello Appbot Sends App Reviews To Trello Understanding your app sentiment and interpreting your app store reviews has never been easier...
Copying colleagues on Appbot Emails Appbot provides valuable insights that are beneficial for the whole team, from sales and support teams, to product managers, marketing...
Video Demo: App review analysis, alerts & replies Watch the video below for a demo of the Appbot product. Our mission is to provide a low-cost, self-service product...
Using the Appbot Tableau Integration The Appbot Tableau integration is designed to save Tableau users time and effort in reporting on their app review data,...
Why do I have a longer history of reviews in some languages on Google Play? Google provide us with a fixed count of reviews per language. This means that languages with a high volume of...
Does Appbot fetch my entire app review history? We fetch as much history as each app store will allow when a new app is added to Appbot. In...
I am using an integration. When will my reviews start to appear? We fetch reviews on a continuous basis. Some app stores publish new reviews throughout the day, others (notably Apple) release...
I’m not getting any emails! This is usually because you haven’t received any new app reviews. We recommend checking the app stores to see if...
What platforms does Appbot support? Appbot supports the major app stores, including: Apple (iOS & Mac), Google Play, Windows Phone and Windows Desktop.
What types of data does Appbot analyze? Appbot allows you to monitor and analyze reviews from all major app stores, including: Apple Google Play Microsoft
How do I get versions for Google Play reviews? You can get app versions for Google Play reviews by connecting your Appbot account to the Google Play Developer Console....
Why is the number of ratings in the Apple or Google Play app store different to Appbot? Most pages in Appbot only look at reviews with text, not overall ratings like in the app stores, so you’ll...
How do I join a team? To join an Appbot team simply ask one of your colleagues who already has access to Appbot to invite you...
Why doesn’t Appbot’s review count match the app store? Appbot only shows ratings data that matches the public app store ratings on the Ratings page. All other pages in...
Why doesn’t Appbot’s star rating match the store? Appbot only shows star rating data that matches the public app store ratings on the Ratings page. All other pages...
App store review & rating API for Google Play & iOS The Appbot API lets you monitor and analyze app reviews any way you like. Appbot offers a RESTful app review...
Why has my rating count dropped or spiked? If you can see in Appbot that your rating count is dropping, there are a few common causes that we...
Removing Sources as Team Leader Team leaders have the ability to remove sources from the team (i.e. users other than themselves). Only team leaders can...
Azure AD SSO Configuration Azure AD is secure and seamless access for all your users and apps – from any location, using any device,...
How to reply to reviews from within Zendesk Appbot offers teams on an eligible plan the ability to reply to reviews from within Zendesk, without following a deep...
Appbot Canned Replies for Reviews Appbot offers teams on an eligible plan the ability to reply to reviews with canned responses. This feature is perfect...
How do I automate tags? The best way to get the same behaviour as automating tags is to use our Custom Topics. Here are some...
Fixing the error “Appbot account can not access team in App Store Connect” Sometimes your Apple account can disconnect from Appbot. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as the Appbot...
What languages does Appbot sentiment support? Appbot Sentiment supports all languages! We calculate sentiment from the original language of the review, rather than from the English...
Can I get a live demo of Appbot? Appbot is designed to be a self-service product, even for Premium users. Our team is designed around this self service...
Do you offer SSO? Yes. Appbot offers SSO and can support any SSO provider that is SAML 2.0 compatible. SAML Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning is...
Can you provide the users email for a review? For privacy reasons, the app stores don’t share the email addresses with us, or anyone else. The best way to...
Ways to reply to reviews using Appbot Replying to reviews is a valuable opportunity to get to know your customers and harness unsolicited feedback to improve your...
Which credit cards do you accept? We accept VISA, MasterCard and AMEX. Your details will be stored securely according to PCI data security standards.